10 Mar 2022

Dr. Linda Gunn-Jones

Staff Member | Director, Office of Sponsored Programs & Title III Services

Women’s History Month is every month for me. I am constantly reminded that I proudly stand on the shoulders of so many women of all races, color and creed that have come before me, especially African American women, I am blessed to have the opportunity to continue to carry the torch that they commit-tingly ignited; holding it high to light the pathway for others. “Hold high the torch, you did not light its glow, T’was given to you by other hands, you know, And as He once said who hung from Calvary’s tree, Ye are the light of the world, go shine for me!” Proudly so, my mom, Mary Louise Evans Gunn (1927-2015) was selected by the City of Durham Chamber of Commerce as Durham’s 1977 Mother of the Year. She and my dad raised and educated 6 kids all receiving at least a bachelor’s and 3 beyond. My mom was always known to our friends as “mom” because of her loving/caring spirit. She always knew exactly what to say to keep you from faltering, even when you felt like quitting. Her spirit still lives in me, and I pray that I may continue her proud/loving legacy.