04 May 2020

From The Honorable Justice James E. Perry to Class of 2020

blue falcon icon


Graduates, you have made your ancestors proud.

Congratulations on your momentous accomplishment upon the completion of yours and your families dream of earning a college degree. Although you will not walk across the stage to accept diplomas in the physical presence of your family and friends, you are not alone. We, the Falcon Family, will always be with you throughout your successes, trials and tribulations.

You are entering into a world where nothing is certain. The only thing that is certain is uncertainty but you are prepared to face those uncertainties with intellectual flexibility. You are smarter and better prepared than you think you are.

My charge to you is:

Be strong but not rude;

Be kind but no weak;

Be bold but not bully;

Be humble but not timid; and,

Be proud but not arrogant.

Remember the Falcon is not an ordinary bird!
