29 Aug 2014

Saint Augustine’s University’s Meet the Falcons Day was a Soaring Success

Saint Augustine’s University’s Meet the Falcons Day was a Soaring Success

The sun may have been shining bright but that did not stop more than 200 people from attending Saint Augustine’s University’s (SAU) 2013 Meet the Falcons Day. The SAU campus had an opportunity to meet and greet the 2013 Falcon Football team.

Meet the Falcons opened with cheers of excitement from the Blue Chips cheerleaders followed by an energizing performance of SAU’s Superior Sound Marching Band, which had faculty, staff and students cheering and dancing on the MLK Mall area. Next, the crowd rushed to form a line for the football team to walk through as if they were walking the red carpet on Oscar night.

In attendance to cheer on the team were a group of young males from the local Raleigh Boys Club. They had an opportunity to talk and take pictures with members of the Falcon football team as well as receive a football poster, signed by SAU football players.

An eighth grader from Longview Middle School, who was smiling and proudly holding his poster, said he was “happy to meet the football players.”

Miss Saint Augustine’s University 2013-2014 Jameelah Robinson, a senior from Brooklyn, N.Y, shared how she felt about Meet the Falcons Day.

“In all of my four years, I think this is best turn out for Meet the Falcons,” Robinson said.

President Dianne Boardley Suber expressed her support to the team with words of encouragement.

“Everywhere I go I am always talking about the Falcon football team,” Suber said. “This is a great way to start the season. Let’s Go Falcons!”

In closing, Head Football Coach Michael Costa thanked the crowd for their support and introduced his coaching staff along with members of the team.